North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA) Awards 2019
This was my second big national award selected from 3,600 entries and out of nearly 400 photographers. Blessed again. It is a true honor to be included in such an amazing group of dedicated nature photographers who have the same passion for wildlife. While I will always be a bird photographer at heart, other opportunities to capture nature’s beauty often cross my path. Or in this case, next to the path. Wildlife is often repetitive in its actions, having seen this Red Fox travel the same track a couple of times, I though it might do so again. It did, and this image was the result, running as it returned with several Voles in its mouth. He was on his way back to feed his hungry kits in the den. Photographed in Lake Clark National Park, Alaska. Special thanks to judges: Melissa Groo, George Lepp, and Joe and Mary Ann McDonald. Thanks to Wendy Shattil - Showcase Coordinator, John Lock - Showcase Web Developer; and to Teresa Ransdell - Project Manager for your dedication and hard work on this contest. VISIT: www.nanpa.org
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