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    Sharing and Community Service

    We have always had a strong belief and practice that service is very important, as well as a blessing. From Elementary School and senior living facility program presentations, to photography donations for numerous non-proffit organization's newsletters and websites, service is a vital part of our journey.


    Aloha Spirit

    Dear Mr. Schamerhorn,
    I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude.
    You were incredibly generous to gift my daughter, Scarlett, the photograph "Portrait in Red". Since that day, she has not stopped talking about the experience. She frequently revisits your website and brings you up in conversation more times than I can count! Recently, she took the 5x7" Red Fox print to school, calling it "one of her favorite items." Scarlett dreams of becoming a dentist, but she often adds with a smile that she’ll be a photographer on the side—perhaps even full-time one day, when she can afford it! She is so inspired by your work, and I can’t tell you how much that means to me. The impact you've had on her is truly something special. As the holiday season approaches, I wanted to send a note of thanks for the kindness you've shown. The mark you've left on my daughter will be cherished for years to come, and I am deeply grateful for it. Wishing you and your loved ones a joyful and memorable holiday season. May you continue to bring warmth, inspiration, and the love of photography to all those you meet.

    Sincerely, Monica W.


    Kindness Returned

    This thank you message was a kind gesture of gratitude from a youngster at a show in the Outerbanks of NC. When I overheard her mother say, "you can get a photograph for her birthday", it just seemed right to give her the print she picked out as a gift. The next day they returned to the event and gave me this note. Glad to see people are still bringing up grateful, kind-hearted, nature loving people. It gives me a lot of hope for the future.

    Note reads: "Dear Bob, thank you for giving me the otter picture, it really made my day. Your generosity brought tears to my mom and my eyes. I did't expect it at all, and I am sooo grateful. When ever I look at the picture I will think of you and your kindness. I'm also happy because I love nature and animals and I want to protect them like you do. You inspire sooo much. Sincerely Abram."



    Camera Club of Richmond

    President 2021

    Thanks to everyone for their participation in our club, especially the CCR Board of Directors, who give if their time and passion for the good of the group as a whole. It has been an honor and a blessing to have had this opportunity to work with such a great team and highly talented membership. As my term ends, I will miss the personal involvement with the CCR Board, volunteers and members, but I will not be too far away. This group has been a great asset to my photography efforts and learning as well.

    Visit: www.CameraClubOfRichmond.com



    Future Artist?

    On the second day of a mid-summer show in Cary, NC, a nine year old child brought me this wonderful painting as a thank you gift. She became inspired and acted in gratitude, simply because I had randomly given her a photograph of a pony the day before. Little did I know, how special and gifted she was. Her artwork hangs in my office to remind me of her thoughtfulness and kindness.

    Her mom wrote me this thank you note: “It was so wonderful meeting you today! I'm hoping to convey here just how much your kindness and generosity meant. Our daughter is Autistic and has ADHD. She is a bright spirit with a big heart, especially for animals. Even though she is only seven years old, she often feels as though she doesn't fit in or belong, but with animals, she is self-confident, inspired... at peace. She has had this connection with them since we can remember. When I was pregnant with her and during a trip to San Diego Zoo Safari Park, a herd of elephants came to where I was standing from clear across the other side of their habitat and attempted to reach their trunks through the fence towards my belly. My daughter connects with animals beyond spoken word, and so it was no surprise that she was so drawn to your stunning nature photography. Your work captures the animals essence and it ready spoke to her. You saw her today, she was seen. This means so much to her, and goodness it mean's the world to me. As a photographer Bob, you must have to have a keen eye and honed observation skills - perhaps you saw something in my daughter. She really needed that connection today and it made her feel incredibly special. This will surely be a core childhood memory, and a positive one at that. She came home and immediately started painting. Thank you for the inspiration. Some people have a gift, some people are a gift - for you, it is both.”
    Mahalo Mau, Amanda



    Richmond Environmental Film Festival

    Festival Sponsor 2015 - 2022

    This long running event celebrating its 10th YEAR, brings awareness of environmental issues that effect our locality, the state and the globe. This multi-day festival is a nonprofit event that runs off generous donations, countless hours of volunteer work and coordination with multiple venues and filmmakers. Thanks to all of the volunteers and other sponsors who help with this event each year. We are honored to partipate as an Oyster Level sponsor again this year.

    Visit: www.RVAEFF.org


    State of Virginia - Wildlife Viewer Recreation Plan

    Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC)

    The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (VDGIF) identified a need to develop a better relationship with wildlife viewers in the state. The Department of Wildlife Resources (DGIF) and researchers in Virginia Tech’s Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation have initiated a process that will bring stakeholders and technical experts together over the next two years to develop an agency plan for engaging Virginia’s wildlife viewers over the next 10 years. The goal of this planning process is to develop a comprehensive Wildlife Viewing Plan that is both technically sound and that it meets the needs and interests of this diverse, growing constituency. The intent is to have a draft Wildlife Viewing Plan made available for public comment in the Fall of 2020, with the presentation of a final version to the VDGIF Board for approval in the beginning of 2021.


    Open University

    Lifelong Learning Program Speaker

    "I am sending you a personal thank you for your contribution to our Winter Session of Open University. Because of you, we are able to offer one of the best lifelong learning programs in our area. Your participation allows us to put together a curriculum with a wide assortment of subjects. We could not do this without you. We are so grateful for your volunteer service to The Shepherd’s Center and hope that you found it rewarding as well. Our students appreciate the knowledge that you share. You have provided a wonderful thing and have helped make Richmond a more vibrant community for older adults."
    With gratitude - Julie Adams-Buchanan, MS, CVA, Executive Director


    2nd Virginia Breeding Bird Atlas (VABBA2)

    Photography and Publishing Services Donation 2016 - 2020

    This is a project of the VA Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries, the VA Society of Ornithology, and the Conservation Management Institute at VA Tech, as well as many partner organizations that contribute website hosting (Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Appalachian Mountain Joint Venture), funding support and volunteers (state bird clubs and Audubon societies), which allow this project to grow and thrive. Thanks to all, especially to all the volunteers whose time, energy, and expertise are what make this whole endeavor possible.

    For more info visit: www.vabba2.org


    Photography Contest Judge

    Colonial Nature Photography Club Photography Contest 2018 - 2019

    I was honored to judge the first ever annual photography contest sponsored by the Colonial Nature Photography Club in recognition of the year's entries into the monthly topic-based entries. Two levels of skill are recognized, beginner and advanced. This club has been instrumental in my own development as a photographer. If you like nature photography, this is a great group to join.




    Future Ornithologists?

    "Hello Bob. Just wanted to Thank You for giving the kids the bird guide for Virginia. My son Jack took it straight away into his bedroom and started drawing. He wanted me to send you the sketch and to tell you thank you. You are an amazing Photographer. Excited to see more of your beautiful pictures.
    Sincerely, Jack’s mom, Kara"



    Richmond Environmental Film Festival

    100% Proffit Donation from PBS Richmond VPM TV - 2019 Event

    Special thanks to the VPM TV - Science Matters team and the Richmond Environmental Film Festival (RVAEFF) for the hospitality and for allowing us to share nature's beauty at this environmental awareness event. iPhotoBirds donated all the proffit from the evening to the RVAEFF, over $250.00. Thanks to everyone who came out to enjoy the film and for your support of the arts.

    Visit: PBS Richmond WCVE


    All Saints Catholic School Photography Club

    Youth Photography Mentoring

    About a dozen middle schoolers members of the All Saints Catholic School Photography Club in north Richmond, VA attended a presentation on "Action Photography". They left the classroom and headed to the playground with their equipment to put the suggestions into practice.


    Virginia Birding and Wildlife Trail

    Richmond Promo Brochure - Photograhy Donation

    I am always trying to keep the balance between professional nature photographer and service contributor. But since the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DGIF) has been such a great supporter of my work through the Virginia Wildlife Magazine and the DGIF Calendar, it was easy to accommodate a request for image rights usage for this publication. This brochure was designed to promote Virginia's Birding and Wildlife Trails in the Richmond area. Other prime areas will be getting their own versions in the near future. Special thanks to the staff at Department of Game & Inland Fisheries for the opportunity to share these images. (Prothonotary Warbler, Monarch Butterfly, Cedar Waxwing, Bald Eagle, Pileated Woodpecker, Wood Chuck and Great Blue Heron). For more info visit: www.dgif.virginia.gov/VBWT/



    Duncan Memorial United Methodist Church Kids Camp

    2018 Theme: Birds

    There is no greater joy than to share my passion for birds and nature, than with a very enthusiastic group of kids. Programs were presented on the uniqueness and diversity of our local birds and beyond. Then we went on a birdwalk. Thanks to Charlie and Ann Martin have hosted this camp for nearly 50 years at their South Anna riverside home in Hanover County, VA. Thanks for all you do to connect kids with nature and for the opportunity to share. Special thanks to the Richmond Audubon Society for sponsoring 100 copies of the iPhotoBirds' “Commonwealth Collection - Birds Coloring Book” so that each camper would get a copy with crayons.


    Photography Contest Judge

    Henrico County Council of PTA's Reflections Program 2016 - 2021

    I was honored to judge the photography category entries for the Henrico Co. PTAs Reflections Program again this year. This program gives students positive recognition for their artistic efforts, encourages students to explore the arts and express themselves. The Henrico County Reflections Awards Program recognizes students in Pre-K through grade 12 who create theme-based artwork in categories such as: dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography and visual arts.
    Visit: www.vapta.org/arts-and-education/reflections


    Richmond, VA City Park Display

    Photography Donation and Design

    This was a joint venture with  Friends of Byrd Park, funded by the Richmond Audubon Society. It is an honor to have this photography utilized, both for a good cause and for public education. Friends of Byrd Park's Dr. Sharon Hill and designer/photographer Bob Schamerhorn attended the installation. The display shows and describes 20 bird species commonly see around Swan Lake at this Richmond, Virginia City Park.

    Production Donated by: Richmond Audubon Society

    Common Birds Of Vitginia

    Common Birds of Virginia ID Card

    Education Donations (Over 20,000 copies donated)

    The Simple One Page Bird Guide - GIven to thousands of children, this trifold ID card presents thirty common species from around the Commonwealth. It is a simple bird identification solution for any yougn, novice or backyard birder. Originally developed as a handout for elementary school kids, but adults appreciate them just as much. These ID Cards have been utilized by numerous organizations including: Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Audubon Chapters, Bird Clubs, Master Naturalists, home schoolers, after school science clubs and are given out at exhibitions.

    SEE: Common Birds of VirginiaSEE: SCHEDULE


    Photography Contest Judge

    Eastern Shore Birding & Wildlife Festival

    Special thanks to the folks at the Department of Wildlife Resources, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and the other 2016 festival organizers, for the opportunity to be a service to this long running festival. The entries for this contest were literally only points apart from one another. Thanks to all the participants for your efforts. Well done everyone!

    Visit: www.esvabirdingfestival.com

    eBird - Virginia

    Website Photography Donation

    This breeding plumage male Magnolia Warbler was an early spring migrant photographed in Bedford County, Virginia in the gentle morning light as it foraged for catallars along the road.

    VISIT: eBird



    Board of Directors - Richmond Audubon Society

    Newsletter Editor 2016-2020
    Cyberspace Committee 2009-2011
    Education Committee 2007-2009

    It is always a blessing to use the talents I have been Blessed with to contribute to other organizations and causes, especially those with whom I share a common interest and purpose. Having been employed in the printing and graphics design business for many years, made this service position a good fit.

    Visit: www.RichmondAudubon.org

      New and Advance

    Virginia Important Bird Area (IBA)

    Photography Donation and Publishing Services

    Produced to assist in the development of Virginia's Important Bird Areas program. Designed by Produced by Infinity Graphics.
    For more information on Virginia's IBAs visit: http://iba.audubon.org/iba/viewState.do?state=US-VA



    Richmond Audubon Society

    Membership Brochure - Photography and Design Services

    Richmond Audubon is a chapter of the National Audubon Society dedicated to the observation and conservation of birds and other wildlife. We have over 1200 members throughout Central Virginia. We are also an active chapter of the Virginia Society of Ornithology. We offer bird walks, monthly meetings, educational programs and service opportunities. Our members also participate in local conservation efforts, education, habitat restoration, and monitoring of applicable legislation. Activities are open to both members and non-members.

    For more information SEE: www.richmondaudubon.org



    iPhotoBirds headscripts iPhotoBirds
    Birdbath Build MAnual
    National Award Winning
    Nature Photography by Bob Schamerhorn
    "The Divine nature of Nature"