Publishings & Broadcasts
"It is a huge Blessing anytime I have the chance to share the beauty of nature through my photography. Special thanks to all who have presented these opportunities and for the support of my number one fan, best friend and wife, Lori." - Bob S.
Latest Publishing

100TH ANNIVERSARY - Roundup, Swim and Auction
Chincoteague Chamber of Commerce - Visitor's Guide 2025
Special thanks to the Chincoteague Chamber of Commerce for this tremendous honor! What a surprise to open the 2025 Visitor’s Guide and find one of my photos in a full page spread announcing the 100th Anniversary. This capture happened just after sunrise at the start of the 2023 pony roundup. I had just suggested to my friend driving the boat, that it would be cool to get the ponies and the lighthouse both in the same photo. Moments later, this group broke away from the main herd and ran the opposite direction. As they approached the end of the grassy peninsula, they suddenly stopped. We soon caught up to them and the lighthouse just came into view as we approached. I only had two clicks of the camera’s shutter before they ran off again and this one was the best. The stallion in the back of the bunch is Windy’s Beach Boy, he is a Great Great Great Grandfoal of Misty’s.
National Publications |

National Audubon Magazine
Fall 2021
Featured image to announce the 2021 National Audubon Society Photography Awards - Video Category - Top 10, in “Audubon” Magazine’s fall 2021 issue. This publication really made this image a double-winner, both as recognized in the national competition’s “Top 10” and as published on page 11 of the magazine. Having a photograph printed in Audubon Magazine has been a bucket list item for years now. The bottom of that bucket is a bit more shallow thanks to the editor and staff the the magazine.
North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA)
Book • "Expressions" 2019 Showcase Awards Publication
"Best in Show Mammals" - Expressions is an annual journal that highlights the top 250 photographs from the NANPA Showcase Photogrsphy Competition held each year. Expressions is distributed to more than 3,000 NANPA members and photo buyers. High quality, printed versions of Expressions from 2011 to the present. This magazine displays the very best photographs selected from thousands of submissions by a juried panel of industry professionals. The Showcase competition features cash prizes and the prestige of appearing in Expressions. It is a true honor to be included in such an amazing group of dedicated nature photographers who have the same passion for wildlife. While I will always be a bird photographer at heart, other opportunities to capture nature’s beauty often cross my path.
VISIT: www.nanpa.org • BUY THE BOOK AT: www.nanpa.org/learning/publications/expressions/
Cover Shots |

Booklet • Cover Shot
Chincoteague Chamber of Commerce • Visitor's Guide 2025
t is a great honor to have the Chamber of Commerce in Chincoteague, Virginia select this image for their 2025 Visitor’s Guide cover. I have visited the island since the 1970’s for birdwatching and photography and it’s one of my favorite places on Earth. The photograph was captured from a dear friend’s boat at the start of the roundup, just two years ago. Since then, it has become the fastest selling of all of my limited edition prints. The image was also voted “Best Photograph of Chincoteague” at the 2024 Chincoteague Easter Decoy Festival. Special thanks to the folks at the Chamber for selecting this powerful image for the cover shot.

Book • Cover Shot(s)
Lisa Ziegler's "The Cut Flower Handbook" 2024 • 200+ Images
This photography project spanned an entire year and included shoots at several locations in both Virginia and North Carolina. This book is an 8” x 10”, 240 page Hardback and contains over 200 of my photographs from cover to cover.
It's the perfect balance of inspiration and education, The Cut Flower Handbook teaches how Lisa grows and harvests annual cut flowers from seed to bloom while sharing the varieties that have become her tried and true favorites.
It also has her streamlined steps for preparing, locating, and maintaining a cutting garden. Learn why and how Lisa selects the best seed starting method for a specific flower and its favored growing conditions. She also shares her tried and true methods for how she starts seeds – from soil blocking to growing in plug trays to planting seeds directly in the garden!
Over half the book features specific flowers or flower groups, including growing facts, Lisa’s firsthand experiences with them, tips for home gardeners and flower farmers, harvesting and conditioning steps, and lists of Lisa’s favorite varieties.
Lisa’s logical and nature-driven method is the signature hallmark of her success. This handbook includes 41 cool-season and 25 warm-season flowers to grow and harvest.
"The Cut Flower Handbook" available at: www.thegardenersworkshop.com |

Calendar • Cover Shot
DWR 2020 Virginia Wildlife Calendar
The honor of having an image presented on the cover of the Virginia Wildlife Calendar, published by the Department of Wildlife Resources, will always rank as one of the highest honors in my nature photography career. I especially want to thanks the previous editor, Sally Mills, and the current art director, Lynda Richardson, for publishing and supporting my work. Capturing this sweet moment, involved a full days wait. Since just after dawn, the fawn laid bedded down in the bushes, hidden the entire day. However, my patience was rewarded. Later as the golden light overtook fading daylight, this newborn fawn magically appeared from the thicket. Hungry and shaky, it was greeted immediately by its mother. They reunited like long lost friends. Next, it came time for nursing and an almost constant tongue-bath from Mom. Much to my delight, the doe laid down, putting them both eye to eye. Then as the camera’s shutter clicked, the fawn’s mother rolled one more big lick, right up the baby’s nose. Thus the title of this White-tailed Deer image is: “Aaw Mom”. For more info: SHOP DWR

Magazine • Cover Shot
DWR Virginia Wildlife • May/June 2017
This is one of my all-time favorite images of this striking species while it roams the shoreline in search of crustaceans as the waves recede back into the Atlantic. The setting sun and clear blue skies provided warm yet subtle lighting on this high contrast bird. When I was first informed that this photograph was being considered for the front cover of Virginia Wildlife Magazine, I was taken back with gratitude. Thanks to the staff at Virginia Wildlife Magazine, part of the Department of Wildlife Resources, for their renewed efforts to continue to publish images captured by so many of the highly talented and dedicated nature photographers that we have here in the Commonwealth. Congratulations to the Editor, Art Director and the rest of the staff on such a beautiful issue. This is truly one of the most colorful and vibrant covers in years. This photo accompanies an amazing article by Glenda Booth adorned with photographs by Lynda Richardson, on our struggling shorebirds and their ever changing habitat.
Consider a subscription: Virginia Wildlife Magazine

Digest • Cover Shot
Virginia Migratory Game Bird Hunting 2020-2021
This high-quality guide is offered by the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources through its unique partnership with J.F. Griffin Publishing, LLC. You may notice that the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF) agency’s name and logo have changed. Effective July 1, 2020 the department’s name officially became the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR). This change was made to help the agency be more recognizable to ALL Virginians, hunters, fisherman and wildlife viewers alike. Congratulations to the agency for having the wisdom, foresight and willingness to make this monumental move, as they prepare for managing and conserving our wildlife resources into the future. Special thanks to everyone at DWR involved for making this cover shot possible. For more info: VISIT DWR

Calendar • Cover Shot (back)
Garden of Eagles 2022
The Wildlife Center of Virginia has published an annual calendar, entitled “The Garden of Eagles,” for the last thirteen years. Proceeds from the calendar’s sales, benefit the center in Waynesboro, VA and a portion also benefits The Center for Conservation Biology’s satellite tracking program. Images like these are donated by some of the best bird photographers in the country for this important cause. Special thanks to the calendar editing team for including a couple of my images (Back Cover Shot and November) for the 2022 Calendar. It is a great honor to have the opportunity to share my gifts in this publication that supports wildlife rescue and research. For more info: Wildlife Center of Virginia

Magazine - Cover Shot
DWR Virginia Wildlife Photography Showcase 2016
I am humbled and honored to have this photo adorn the cover of the 2016 annual photography issue of Virginia Wildlife. I have to admit, when I first saw it, I was in a state of disbelief. A surreal sort of moment (or two). When I realized my eyes were not tricking me, gratitude filled my heart for the journey that made this achievement possible. From my fourth grade teacher who connected me with lifelong mentors in the Lynchburg Bird Club at the age of nine, to my loving wife-partner-friend Lori who supports me in all endeavors. And the Cedar Waxwing photo on the inside was icing on the cake. Special thanks to the creative staff at Virginia Wildlife for keeping with the tradition of this favored issue.
Consider a subscription: Virginia Wildlife Magazine

See: Enlarged View
Magazine • Cover Shot (back)
DWR Virginia Wildlife - September/October 2019
This King Rail image was published on the back cover of the September/October issue of Virginia Wildlife Magazine as an enticement to an article about the sport of “Marsh Hen” hunting by John Shtogen. Another great issue, compiled and artistically presented. Special thanks to the team at Virginia Wildlife team for including this image in this recent issue.
Consider a subscription: Virginia Wildlife Magazine

Newsletter • Cover Shot
Camera Club of Richmond - Southern Exposure
I am honored to have one of my images grace the cover of this organization’s award winning newsletters the “Souther Exposure.” Both the Great Blue Heron and the sprinkling of yellow flowers, make this the perfect choice for the March edition, by editor Karen Davis. I know from personal experience that it takes hours of dedication, plus good skills in organization, layout and people relations, to put together a publication of this quality. Thanks for sharing my work.
For more information VISIT: The Camera Club of Richmond |

See: Enlarged Image
Magazine • Cover Shot (back)
DWR Virginia Wildlife • March/April 2017
This issue of our state's leading wildlife magazine utilized some of my all time favorite springtime photographs including this Wild Turkey “tom” trotting along in the evening light. I am grateful as always to the staff at Virginia Wildlife for the opportunity to share my work.
Consider a subscription: Virginia Wildlife Magazine |
Newspaper • Front Page
Lynchburg News & Advance and Richmond Times Dispatch
4th of July, 2013
Photos accompanied a story on the success of Bald Eagles along the James River by Jay Reed.
Annual Report • Cover Shot
Virginia Audubon Council - Important Bird Areas (IBAs)
Developed by Mary Elfner for the Virginia Important Bird Areas Program to report the progress, achievements and goals.
Magazine • Cover Shot (back)
Nature Friend
Selected for the "Caption This" feature article and back cover. Nature Friend Magazine is a creation-based, monthly nature magazine for children that the whole family will enjoy.
Book • Cover Shot
Virginia's South-Central Piedmont: An Annotated Checklist for Prince Edward and Surrounding Counties
Authors: Dalmas, T. Fink, M. Spears, D. Stinson, C.M., Wells.
Books, Magazines, Calendars and More… |

100TH ANNIVERSARY - Roundup, Swim and Auction
Chincoteague Chamber of Commerce - Visitor's Guide 2025
Special thanks to the Chincoteague Chamber of Commerce for this tremendous honor! What a surprise to open the 2025 Visitor’s Guide and find one of my photos in a full page spread announcing the 100th anniversary. This capture happened just after sunrise at the start of the 2023 pony roundup. I had just suggested to my friend driving the boat, that it would be cool to get the ponies and the lighthouse both in the same photo. Moments later, this group broke away from the main herd and ran the opposite direction. As they approached the end of the grassy peninsula, they suddenly stopped. We soon caught up to them and the lighthouse just came into view as we approached. I only had two clicks of the camera’s shutter before they ran off again and this one was the best. The stallion in the back of the bunch is Windy’s Beach Boy, he is a Great Great Great Grandfoal of Misty’s.

DWR Virginia Wildlife Calendar - April, 2025
The honor and a privilege to have this image published in the Department of Wildlife Resources Calendar for the month of April. Whenever possible, I love to present the character of a species, from a different angle or from a unique perspective. This Eastern Screech Owl is a prime example of that vision. On occasion, particularly on cold mornings, this little raptor would raise up and perch at the entrance to this tree cavity, where it roosts. It does this to solar heat itself in the warm sunshine. So, I arrived very early on a mostly sunny day and hoped the owl would cooperate. I often hear the comment that, “You most have gotten there at just the right moment!” But most often, I have to be there well before the magic happens, which might only last only a second or two, after waiting for hours. Patience is not my innate go-to plan, but I have learned to embrace and practice it. Primarily because calmness works more often than not.
For more info: SHOP DWR (Look under Education)

See Enlarged View
DWR Virginia Wildlife - May/June 2023
This Black-throated Blue Warbler photograph was published in Virginia Wildlife Magazine along with an article titled “DWR's Eastern Shore Iniatiave Will Benefit Wildlife and Virginians". The information within discloses both the existing and future of state land ownership and its intended purpose and protection. The land will open up opportunities for wildlife recreation while it manages the lands for bird migration along the Virginia's Eastern Shore.
Special thanks to the team at Virginia’s Department of Wildlife Resources, for sharing my work in their publications over the years.
Consider a subscription: Virginia Wildlife Magazine

See Enlarged View
DWR Virginia Wildlife - March/April 2023
This Eastern Meadowlark image was published in Virginia Wildlife Magazine along with an article titled “Finding Ecological Answers and Educating at The Clifton Institute”. Interestingly enough we go to that facility quite often, because it is one of the bird banding research stations we volunteer at near Warrenton, VA. We have also participated in butterfly population counts there as well. Be sure to visit their website for a list of current events and programs.
Special thanks to the team at Virginia’s Department of Wildlife Resources, for sharing my work in their publications over the years.
Consider a subscription: Virginia Wildlife Magazine

See Enlarged View
DWR Virginia Wildlife - January/February 2023
When the first 2023 edition of the Virginia Wildlife Magazine came out, it was a pleasant surprise to find this Great Blue Heron image (right) used as part of an article about these amazing birds and their extreme travels. This image was captured during the four year stretch when we had a rookery right in the heart of the City of Richmond. It is yet another example of how encounters with nature can be fleeting moments in time. Opportunities like this, are most often gone before we know it. So I always try to enjoy them to their fullest, with an attitude that I might not witness that event ever again. Just take the time out to stay and enjoy the gift as it is offered.
Special thanks to the team at Virginia’s Department of Wildlife Resources, for sharing my work in their publications over the years.
Consider a subscription: Virginia Wildlife Magazine

DWR Virginia Wildlife - November/December 2021
This Loggerhead Shrike image was published as part of a call for entries to"Restore the Wild Artwork Competition". Special thanks to the team at Virginia Wildlife team for including this image in this recent issue.
Consider a subscription: Virginia Wildlife Magazine

The Avery Journal Times
From an October 20, 2021, article by Neal Falvey that appeared in the Avery Journal Times showcasing my work in a story titled "Handmade on exhibit and its popularity at the 2021 show. I especially appreciated his interest in the stories behind the images as well. Special thanks to Ann Winkelman and the whole festival team for putting on such a great event! Thanks for sharing my work, Neal.
VISIT: The Avery Journal Times |

DWR Virginia Wildlife Photography Showcase 2021
Four parralel stripes etched into the bark of a tree, now healed over, made by a Black Bear. A great fit for the texture category in Virginia Wildlife's annual Photography Showcase Issue. Special thanks to the team at Virginia Wildlife for including this image in the publication. Page 42.
Consider a subscription: Virginia Wildlife Magazine

Garden of Eagles 2021
Since 2008, The Wildlife Center of Virginia has published a beautiful twelve month calendar entitled “Garden of Eagles”. This limited edition calendar has won praise from eagle lovers all across the country and around the world. Whenever I can share my work in a form that aids such an amazing organization, it is always a blessing. Proceeds from calendar sales, benefit the Wildlife Center of Virginia in Waynesboro and a portion of the proceeds also benefit The Center for Conservation Biology’s satellite tracking program. Thanks to the center for all they do to heal, nurture and save Virginia’s injured and orphaned wildlife. Special thanks to the calendar editing team that selected these three images (January, March and September) for this edition. For more info: Wildlife Center of Virginia

Virginia Breeding Bird Atlas -(VABBA2) 2019 Year End Summary
This is a project of the VA Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries, the VA Society of Ornithology, and the Conservation Management Institute at VA Tech, as well as many partner organizations that contribute website hosting (Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Appalachian Mountain Joint Venture), funding support and volunteers (state bird clubs and Audubon societies), which allow this project to grow and thrive. Thanks to all and especially to all the volunteers whose time, energy, and expertise are what make this whole endeavor possible.
For more info visit: www.vabba2.org |

Virginia Birding and Wildlife Trail - Eastern Shore Area
It is always a blessing and a pleasure to work with the organizations that do so much for the natural resources here is the Commonwealth of Virginia. This is the newly released brochure designed to promote Virginia's Birding and Wildlife Trails on Virginia's Eastern Shore. Special thanks to the staff at Department of Game & Inland Fisheries for the opportunity to share these images. (Black Skimmer, Monarch, Brown Pelican, White-tailed Deer, Red Admiral, Bald Eagle, Delmarva Fox Squirrel, American Oystercatcher, Whimbrel, Little Blue Heron, Peregrine Falcon and Black-throated Blue Warbler). For more info visit: www.dgif.virginia.gov/VBWT/ |

"Birds of Loudoun" • 13 Images
"A Guide Based on the 2009-2014 Loudoun County Bird Atlas" - This 224 page full color hardbound book is a beautiful publication. It covers every bird species found in Loudoun County, Virginia. It includes a vast amount of information and even includes population range maps. A few select images from iPhotoBirds are included in this impressive project. Special thanks to Spring Ligi and the Loudoun County Nature Conservency for all of her hard work and dedication to produce such a well researched piece.
AVAILABLE AT: www.loudoun-wildlife-conservancy.square.site/s/shop |

DWR Virginia Wildlife Photography Showcase 2019
Four parralel stripes etched into the bark of a tree, now healed over, made by a Black Bear. A great fit for the texture category in Virginia Wildlife's annual Photography Showcase Issue. Special thanks to the team at Virginia Wildlife for including this image in the publication. Page 42.
Consider a subscription: Virginia Wildlife Magazine

DWR Virginia Wildlife • May/June 2019
This Black-throated Green Warbler image was published in the May/June issue of Virginia Wildlife Magazine as an accompaniment to an article entitled "Bird Life", about exploring the Goshen Wildlife Management Area. The article by Eric Wallace presented the property as part of the second Virginia Breeding Bird Atlas. Special thanks to the team at Virginia Wildlife for including this image in the publication.
Consider a subscription: Virginia Wildlife Magazine

Rack Card
"Birding Eastern Shore"
This promotional rack card is being distributed throughout Acomack County, VA at tourism information centers as part of an effort to promote ecotourism in the area. Their website includes detailed information and maps about many of the best birding locations in the region.
"Expressions" North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA) 2019 Showcase Awards • Best in Show Mammals
NATIONAL AWARD PUBLICATION - Expressions is an annual journal that highlights the top 250 photographs from the NANPA Showcase Photogrsphy Competition held each year. Expressions is distributed to more than 3,000 NANPA members and photo buyers. High quality, printed versions of Expressions from 2011 to the present. This magazine displays the very best photographs selected from thousands of submissions by a juried panel of industry professionals. The Showcase competition features cash prizes and the prestige of appearing in Expressions. It is a true honor to be included in such an amazing group of dedicated nature photographers who have the same passion for wildlife. While I will always be a bird photographer at heart, other opportunities to capture nature’s beauty often cross my path.
VISIT: www.nanpa.org • BUY THE BOOK AT: www.nanpa.org/learning/publications/expressions/

Virginia Breeding Bird Atlas -(VABBA2) 2018 Year End Summary
This is a project of the VA Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries, the VA Society of Ornithology, and the Conservation Management Institute at VA Tech, as well as many partner organizations that contribute website hosting (Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Appalachian Mountain Joint Venture), funding support and volunteers (state bird clubs and Audubon societies), which allow this project to grow and thrive. Thanks to all and especially to all the volunteers whose time, energy, and expertise are what make this whole endeavor possible.
For more info visit: www.vabba2.org |

DWR Virginia Wildlife Photography Showcase 2018
It is again an honor and a privilege to be published in the Annual Photography Issue of Virginia Wildlife Magazine. This issue contains images from some of the best photographers in the state. It might surprise many to see this “not a bird” image from me, but time spent in the field is often rewarded in unexpected ways. Special thanks to all of the staff at Virginia Wildlife Magazine for their support over the years.
Consider a subscription: Virginia Wildlife Magazine

Virginia Birding and Wildlife Trail - Richmond Area
It is always a blessing and a pleasure to work with the organizations that do so much for the natural resources here is the Commonwealth of Virginia. This is the newly released brochure designed to promote Virginia's Birding and Wildlife Trails in the Richmond area. Other prime areas will be getting their own versions in the near future. Special thanks to the staff at Department of Game & Inland Fisheries for the opportunity to share these images. (Prothonotary Warbler, Monarch Butterfly, Cedar Waxwing, Bald Eagle, Pileated Woodpecker, Wood Chuck and Great Blue Heron). For more info visit: www.dgif.virginia.gov/VBWT/

The Appalachian Voice • October/November 2018
Several photographs including Great Horned Owl, Blue-winged Warbler and Purple Martins, accompany an article "For the Love of Birds" about the Virginia Breeding Birds Altas 2's efforts which are currently underway in the state as part of a five year breeding bird population study.
See the Article: The Appalachian Voice

Lisa Mason Ziegler's "Vegetables Love Flowers" • 190 Images
"Companion Planting for Beauty and Bounty" - From instructional images to photographs of he beneficial nature that fills her pesticide free gardens in Newport News, VA. Lisa tells all as she shares why flowers are the missing link in many gardens, that they complete the chain to be able to grow an organic garden. It is simple really, flowers attract pollinators, beneficial insects and other good creatures to the garden that provide nature’s most powerful pest control, pollination, and more! Congratualtions to Lisa Zeigler on her accomplishment and for the opportunity to participate in the development of her book.
Order "Vegetables Love Flowers" at: www.thegardenersworkshop.com

DWR Virginia Wildlife • Jan/Feb 2018
"Bad Behavior or Just Birds Being Birds"
This House Wren image accompanied an article that takes a closer look at the behaviors and survival strategies of a few of the less popular birds which also included Brown-headed Cowbirds, American Crows and Ravens.
Consider a subscription: VA WILDLIFE MAGAZINE

Virginia Breeding Bird Atlas -(VABBA2) 2017 Year End Summary
A note from the Atlas Coordinator: "The numbers speak for themselves. In season two of VA’s second Breeding Bird Atlas, volunteers not only increased statewide survey effort by 30%, but also began filling in many of the blank spots on survey maps. More VA birders began traveling away from home to conduct Atlas surveys or jumped in to collecting data in their own corner of Virginia, helping to fill coverage gaps and ensuring that 2017 was a successful year. Over 150 volunteers helped organize and/or attended major Atlas Training Workshops this Spring, a new program we couldn’t have launched without their help. Regional Coordinators and many Atlas ambassadors around the state use their energetic enthusiasm to educate and encourage other birders. And ALL of our Atlas community shows their commitment to bird conservation by taking action. I can’t wait to see what we can accomplish in season three of the VABBA2!" - Ashley Peele, PhD - Atlas Coordinator
For more info visit: www.vabba2.org

DWR Virginia Wildlife • Christmas Bird Count Ad • Nov/Dec 2017
This Red-shouldered Hawk image accompanied a reminder that much of our natural resource information gathering is done through numerous hours of citizen science. Become part of this fun and fellowship filled activity by participating in a local Christmas Count. Search for a bird club or Audubon group in your area to find out how to help.
VISIT: www.audubon.org/join-christmas-bird-count
Consider a subscription: Virginia Wildlife Magazine

Virginia Birding and Wildlife Trail - Va Beach Area
It is always a blessing and a pleasure to work with the organizations that do so much for the natural resources here is the Commonwealth of Virginia. This is the newly released brochure designed to promote Virginia's Birding and Wildlife Trails in the Virginia Beach area. Other prime areas will be getting their own versions in the near future. Special thanks to the staff at Department of Game & Inland Fisheries for the opportunity to share these images. (Prothonotary Warbler, Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly, Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin, Bald Eagle, Brown Pelican, and Snowy Egret). For more info visit: www.dgif.virginia.gov/VBWT/

PBS Television • VPM TV • Richmond, VA
Featured Guest - Virginia Home Grown with Peggy Singlemann
Virginia Home Grown airs monthly from March through October on the last Tuesday of the month. The one hour show is broadcast live from the studio of VPM PBS TV and features guest experts providing in-studio demonstrations, call-in segments, and pre-recorded visits to public and private gardens in central Virginia, as well as local farms. Thanks to Shawn Freude, WCVE Senior Producer/Director, and the video crew for the awesome job with the production of this show. Special thanks to Host Peggy Singlemann (Director of Horticulture at Maymont) and cohost John Thompson (Extension Agent for the Fluvanna County Virginia Cooperative Center) for their hospitality and for the opportunity to share THE BIRD SPA to a greater audience than I ever dreamed of.

DWR Virginia Wildlife 2018 • March Image
Much appreciation is extended to the publication staff at the Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) for sharing my work in such a prestigious collection. This Cedar Waxwing is one of my all time favorite species to photograph, not just for their undeniable beauty, but also because it is my wife's favorite birds too. Special thanks to my number one supporter and fan, Lori, who continues to contribute and aid in the successes and blessings I have experienced over the last several years.
Current Calendar available at: www.shopdgif.com

Virginia Birding & Wildlife Trail - Rack Card
It is always a blessing to have the opportunity to share a few images (White-tailed Deer with fawn, Common Yellowthroat and Monarch Butterfly) to help promote the enjoyment of nature here in the Commonwealth of Virginia. This piece was published by the Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries (DWR) as part of a growing campaign to promote the Virginia Birding & Wildlife Trail. This rack card will appear in various visitor centers around the state. Keep an eye out for it. Special thanks to the DWR crew in Chesapeake for making this effort that brings awareness to the closeness of nature that surrounds us all.
VISIT: Virginia Birding & Wildlife Trail

Richmond Times Dispatch "Flyways and Byways"
By Jerry Uhlman - "These drips are available as a kit that requires only a little assembly on your part, and can last for many years trouble-free. They are readily available at Richmond-area bird specialty stores. Bob Schamerhorn, a local birder and professional photographer, has designed a water source, dubbed “THE BIRD SPA,” that blends natural beauty with mechanical ingenuity. His creation is made with backyard pond devices readily available at local hardware stores. You can place the spa wherever you want but it will require an electrical outlet to power a small pump. The size, shape and natural environment can be customized to complement your backyard. Schamerhorn has attracted nearly 80 species to his own bird spa, which includes unusual ones such as Magnolia and Golden-winged warblers, flocks of Cedar Waxwings and a Brown Creeper."

DWR Virginia Wildlife 2017 • May Image
Special thanks to the publication staff at the Department of Wildlife Resources for the opportunity to share my photography to a larger audience that ever before. This Prairie Warbler, photographed at Powhatan Wildlife Management Area, is the image for the month of May in the 2017 Virginia Wildlife Calendar. Thanks to everyone who has supported, promoted, and inspired my photography endeavours.
Current Calendar available at: www.shopdgif.com

DWR Virginia Wildlife 2017 • January Image
Special thanks to the publication staff at the Department of Wildlife Resources for the opportunity to share my photography to a larger audience that ever before. This American Wigeon is the image for the month of January in the 2017 Virginia Wildlife Calendar. Thanks to everyone who has supported, promoted, and inspired my photography endeavours.
Current Calendar available at: www.shopdgif.com

Richmond Audubon Society
Richmond Audubon is a chapter of the National Audubon Society dedicated to the observation and conservation of birds and other wildlife. We have over 1200 members throughout Central Virginia. We are also an active chapter of the Virginia Society of Ornithology. We offer bird walks, monthly meetings, educational programs and service opportunities. Our members also participate in local conservation efforts, education, habitat restoration, and monitoring of applicable legislation. Activities are open to both members and non-members.
For more information SEE:

Rack Card
Williamsburg Bird Club
The Williamsburg Bird Club hatched and fledged in 1977 and has grown to over 200 members. They promote the study and conservation of wild birds and their habitats. They welcome both new and experienced birders to enjoy, share, and learn about our local birds and area “hots pots” in an organized way. They are committed to helping educate one another and our community about the value of healthy bird populations and habitats. (Images: Belted Kingfisher, Bald Eagle and Northern Cardinal)
For more information SEE:

DWR Virginia Wildlife • March/April 2017
This issue of our state's leading wildlife magazine utilized some of my all time favorite springtime photographs. From a nesting Brewster’s Warbler getting ready to feed its chicks (in conjunction with the VABBA2 Article). Special thankss to the staff at Virginia Wildlife for the opportunity to share my work in such an awesome publication.
Consider a subscription: Virginia Wildlife Magazine

Rack Card
Master Naturalists - Historic Rivers Chapter
Master Naturalists is a Community-based, Natural Resources Volunteer Program. We are volunteer educators, citizen scientists, and stewards helping Virginia conserve and manage natural resources and public lands. They engage in Citizen Science Projects following consistent protocols to collect data that supply scientists and policy-makers with the information they need to make informed management and policy decisions. Plus, they offer education and outreach services such as teaching, public speaking, working with youth, and education-related service projects. They are active stewards that bring volunteers outside, get them dirty, and show them tangible results of their work. (Images: Osprey and Box Turtle)
Are you curious about nature? Do you enjoy the outdoors? Want to be a part of natural resource management and conservation in Virginia? Visit our their site: SEE:

DWR Virginia Wildlife Photography Showcase 2017
This year’s Virginia Wildlife photography issue is one of the best ever. Starting with the amazing cover-shot of an American Mink and editor Sally Mills’ warm introduction, it passes through all the traditional categories: fauna (birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and bugs), landscapes (vast scenery and plants), followed by sporting life and textures. The image diversity, photographer pool, and individual perspective are as wide spread as ever. Congratulations to the staff who obviously spent many hours selecting the finalists presented within the many colorful pages. This is a publication that will be revisited over and over. Lastly congratulations to all the photographers who were included in this favored issue and to all who submitted images! Good luck in the coming year.
Consider a subscription: Virginia Wildlife Magazine • SEE: The BirdSpa

DWR Virginia Wildlife
• November/December 2016
Thanks to the staff at Virginia Wildlife for sharing my photos to a larger audience than I could have ever reached on my own. This image appears in an article entitled “A Bird Watching Tradition: The Christmas Bird Count” on page 14 of the November/December Issue. What serendipity, since this image was captured at a Lynchburg Bird Club Christmas fellowship event that was nearly cancelled due to snow. These Christmas Counts are the longest running citizen science projects ever. Consider participating in the count in your area this winter.
Consider a subscription: Virginia Wildlife Magazine
eBird - Virginia
This breeding plumage male Magnolia Warbler was an early spring migrant photographed in Bedford County, Virginia in the gentle morning light as it foraged for caterpillars along the road.
VISIT: www.ebird.org/content/va/

DWR Virginia Wildlife • September/October 2016
It is always a true blessing to have the opportunity to share some of my favorite images in the state of Virginia’s best nature and sportsman publication. This photograph shows the chill of winter, as this flock of Snow Geese stand on an ice covered pond. This capture was included as a cameo shot in an article about hunting permit procedures (page 40 Sept-Oct 2016) for the Virginia Harvest Information Program required for hunting waterfowl and similar species.
Consider a subscription or as a gift: VA WILDLIFE MAGAZINE
Consider a subscription: Virginia Wildlife Magazine

Lynchburg Bird Club
It is always a blessing to share my photography with the hopes of enhancing peoples interest in birds. Special thanks to Kathy Lowry editor of "The Bluebird" newsletter of the Lynchburg Bird Club for the opportunity to share my blessings with the hometown bird club I grew up in. They are amongst the kindest and most welcoming people I have ever come across.
Virginia Breeding Bird Atlas 2 (VABBA2 )
This image entitled "Father-Daughter" makes for a colorful and expressive image to adorn the VABBA2's website page header. Citizen science project participation, such as Christmas Counts and other surveys, has been a fun and meaningful part of birdwatching, bringing opportunities for fun and fellowship.
VISIT: www.vabba2.org

2nd Virginia Breeding Bird Atlas (VABBA2)
Project Vision: Virginia’s birds represent a rich cultural and ecological heritage, a living legacy tied to our own identity. We believe that conservation of our natural resources is the province of all people, so it is our responsibility to monitor and protect.

DWR Virginia Wildlife Photography Showcase 2016
This Cedar Waxwing photo on the inside was icing on the cake to have been included in this amazing issue. Special thanks to the creative staff at Virginia Wildlife for keeping with the tradition of this favored issue.
Consider a subscription: Virginia Wildlife Magazine

DWR Virginia Wildlife • May/June 2016
100 Years of DFIG Issue - It is a special pleasure to have become a more active participant in our state's wildlife publication with three photos in the current issue. Who would have ever thought that one of my earliest photo-op trips ever back in June of 2006, along with my good friend Paul McCroskey, would become a sought after image for this publication. Especially with such a unique circumstance and location request of fledging Peregrine Falcons in the Shenandoah.
Consider a subscription: Virginia Wildlife Magazine |




2nd Virginia Breeding Bird Atlas (VABBA2)
Project Vision: Virginia’s birds represent a rich cultural and ecological heritage, a living legacy tied to our own identity. We believe that conservation of our natural resources is the province of all people, so it is our responsibility to monitor and protect.
What is the VABBA2? A 5-year statewide inventory of all bird species breeding in Virginia, from Great Dismal swamp to the spruce-fir forests of the western mountains. This project will raise awareness of bird conservation issues and how we can all contribute to their stewardship.

Written by Val Van Meter. |
The Winchester Star
Northern Shenandoah Valley Audubon Society Event
"The local riverside heron rookery should be alive with mating pairs as spring advances in the Shenandoah Valley.
The Audubon Society of the Shenandoah Valley invites bird lovers — most notably heron lovers — to take a walk along the Shenandoah River to the rookery to see these tall, elegant fowl and other spring migrants that live “Along the River’s Edge,” which is the title of Bob Schamerhorn’s talk on Saturday at the Cool Spring Campus of Shenandoah University. The event is free. The day begins at 9 a.m. as visitors walk a half-mile to the riverbank to see the rookery and possibly even glimpse an eagle’s nest.
At 10:30 a.m., Schamerhorn, a former member of the board of directors for the Richmond Audubon, will offer facts about heron colonies and other migratory birds that prefer riverine habitats, which he said are returning to the area. “The Great Blue Heron is a year-round resident of Virginia,” Schamerhorn said in a telephone interview earlier this month. The herons disperse after raising their young in colonies with others of their kind, but they often return to the same rookery for many years." SEE FULL ARTICLE

The News Gazette - Lexington, VA
"If You Build It, They Will Come! Bird Blogger To Speak To Bird Club - Birds, like all other animals, prefer habitats that meet all their basic needs - food, shelter and water. Birds depend on water for hydration, to maintain body temperature, and to condition their feathers for flying. Because water is so essential to their well-being, it is also a great attraction. Although many Rockbridge residents put out feeders and mount nest boxes, not every yard has a creek running through it or a nearby pond to quench a bird’s thirst. And most bird baths freeze over in winter. For those who wish more birds would flock to their yards, the Rockbridge Bird Club has invited Bob Schamerhorn – a bird blogger and photographer – to give a presentation on “Attracting Birds with Water” next Wednesday evening, Feb. 10, at 7 in the old courthouse meeting room. The program is free and open to the public. Schamerhorn has designed an inexpensive, low maintenance water feature that provides birds with clean, running water for drinking and bathing year round, even at sub-freezing temperatures. His presentation will include a segment for do-it-yourselfers describing how to build and install a simple “bird spa” in their own yards.
Schamerhorn, a life-long birder and Virginia native, is a member of the Audubon Society and Virginia Society of Ornithology. His photo blog – www.iphotobirds.com – features photos of birds drinking and splashing in his backyard spa."

2nd Virginia Breeding Bird Atlas
Project Vision: Virginia’s birds represent a rich cultural and ecological heritage, a living legacy tied to our own identity. We believe that conservation of our natural resources is the province of all people, so it is our responsibility to monitor and protect.
What is the VABBA2? A 5-year statewide inventory of all bird species breeding in Virginia, from Great Dismal swamp to the spruce-fir forests of the western mountains. This project will raise awareness of bird conservation issues and how we can all contribute to their stewardship. WANT TO HELP? SEE:
Danville Register & Bee
"For the birds: Club offering program on winter water supplies" Birds — like all wild animals — need food, shelter and water year-round, according to Bob Schamerhorn, a Richmond-based photographer and graphic designer with a passion for birds.
Schamerhorn will be in Danville on Thursday speaking to the Southside Bird Club about ways to attract birds to yards throughout the winter by installing modest, clean running water supplies for them. He also will show a multimedia presentation that highlights the photographs he has taken of birds attracted to those water supplies over the years. - by Denice Thibodeau
Nature Friend
• July 2014 Issue
Selected for the "Caption This" feature article and back cover. Nature Friend Magazine a creation-based, monthly nature magazine for children that the whole family will enjoy. Consider a gift subscription for a child, grandchild, sibling, niece or nephew.
SEE: www.naturefriendmagazine.com. |
Birdwatching in Middleburg" • 49 Images
This project produced in conjunction with the Virginia Audubon Council and Salamander Resort & Spa of Middleburg county includes nearly fifty iPhotoBirds images. Design and production by Sandra Mersinger of Snapdragon Design.
Richmond Audubon Society "The Thrasher"
Featured Photographer • July/August 2013
Featured photographer in the summer issue of the Richmond Audubon Society's newsletter "The Thrasher". It contains several of Bob's favorite photos and a brief biography. (www.RichmondAudubon.org)

DWR Virginia Wildlife Photography Showcase • 2013
After several years of not entering this contest, I had received good orderly direction to participate this year. What a blessing to have 3 photos chosen for this issue!
Consider a subscription: Virginia Wildlife Magazine |
Second Place - Bird Category

Honorable Mention - Bird Category

Third Place - Furry Critters Category

Rack Card
Virginia Society of Ornithology
This project produced in conjunction with the Virginia Society of Ornithology (VSO) to be placed at several of Virginia's Visitor Centers.
Appalachian - Now & Then "High Flight"
This Dark-eyed Junco image accompanied an article on favorite birding locations article by Caitlin Kight.